Industry Participation
Tisdall Aviation Group businesses and leaders are proud members of a number of key peak bodies and industry associations.
The Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA), a not-for-profit organization aiming to protect, represent and promote the interests of regional airline and aviation organisations all over Australia, working with government, regulatory authorities and the community to ensure that the aviation industry remains safe and viable.
The Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Business Association (AMROBA) is a not-for-profit organisation established to foster and support regional aircraft maintenance engineering organisation and activities across Australia.
Velg Training represents Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) across Australia, including VET practitioners, teachers, trainers, assessors and other VET professionals. Velg provides out RTO teams with professional development opportunities and additional resources.
The Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) takes an evidence-based approach to policy advocacy in support of independent providers in the higher education, vocational education and training sectors.